From My Little Book of Big Aerogarden Words --
Aeroanxiety -- That feeling that you get when you have hand full of new seeds and a perfectly good AG just sitting there.
I don't think that lettuce is done. Why? Because I can still see some daylight between a couple of the plants.
I don't think the lettuce in the picture below is done yet, either. Why? Because even though it looks like the forest primeval, there are no little flowers coming off the top, and it tastes fine.
So unless you just don't like the kinds of lettuce you have going, unless you just cannot abide them, cannot bear the thought of taking another chomp, I'd say leave it and let it keep growing.
But that's me, and I'm a lover of our good friend lactuca s. My primary goal with Aerogarden is to keep myself in a state of constant lettuce availability.
So as for what to do with your Bounty, which is currently Occupied, No Vacancies, No Room at the Inn, Occupado, I would --
a. Let the lettuce in the Bounty keep growing.
b. Plant the new lettuce seeds in the Harvest XL. By the time the lettuce in the Bounty has run its course, the lettuce in the Harvest XL should be coming on-line.
c. Put the cucumber on hold until the Bounty clears out.
Unless there is a possibility of leveraging this opportunity to sneak another AG into the house, in which case --
a. Let the lettuce in the Bounty keep growing.
b. Buy new garden. Lettuce goes nicely in a Harvest Slim, and it is easier to harvest from than in a refular Harvest.
c. Plant the new lettuce in the new AG.
d. Start the cucumbers in the Harvest XL, but when the lettuce in the Bounty has run its course, transfer the cucumbers to the Bounty.
e. Start new lettuce in the Harvest XL once you have moved the cukes into the Bounty.
This will leave you with cukes in the Bounty and two lettuces at different stages of growth in Harvests.
But then you'll think about it, and you will decide that what you really need is another Harvest Slim, so you can plant both of your lettuces in Harvests and rotate the crops, and then plant something taller in the XL, maybe some cherry toms or some jalapenos. And by that time, someone will have a sale going again.
So then --
f. Rinse and Repeat -- ad infinitum, ad Aerogardinitum.
See how this works?
Edited to add: I just realized there is a third option, to wit:
You are in Houston, correct? If so, then --
a. Let the lettuce in the Bounty keep growing.
b. Plant the new lettuce seeds in the Harvest XL. By the time the lettuce in the Bounty has run its course, the lettuce in the Harvest XL should be coming on-line.
c. Bake a bundt cake.
d. We have at least a couple of members in the Houston area. Take the bundt cake and your three AG cucumber pods to one of them and say 'I will give you this bundt cake if you will start these AG cucumber pods for me and nurture them and provide them with sustenance until my lettuce has bolted and my Bounty is available again.'